Connect a Youth

Know a young person (including yourself) that could use help?

anonymously connect youth from our northeast Denver community to caring community organizations for support.

Whether it’s for basic needs such as food or shelter, counseling or other mental health support, mentoring or tutoring, or any other need impacting youth and their families, our team of youth Peer Navigators will reach out to the young person to connect them to the resources they need. 

Worried that a young person could harm themselves or others? We can support the youth without any involvement from law enforcement unless absolutely necessary.  We are here to support and connect, not report and/or punish.

Youth Resources

If you're in need of assistance with housing, mental health services, food banks, or other support resources, we encourage you to explore our comprehensive resource list. This curated collection provides information and contacts for various local organizations and services that can help address your needs. Visit our resource list to find the support you require.

“You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.